Finally got my mom's permission to drive my brother's myvi to college alone!!
Here's the thing..
k, so i drove to college. then i decided to save 3 bucks and tried to park in a housing area nearby, but it was packed. went into this road and the next. since it was so full i decided to go back to college to park instead.
then yea, i was gonna turn out right. the cars were parked all along the road, so i inched out. i saw that there were no cars to my right or left, so i went further into the road, then all of a sudden there was this van coming at me fast from the left. i freaked a bit and didn't know whether to go faster or to stop @_@
luckily he stopped.. then i was like okay good, gotta go quick!! *gas* BAM!!
ZOMG!!! *A*
but wait, it's a different van.. THIS ONE'S FREAKIN PARKED IN FRONT OF THE JUNCTION=_=
so yea, i actually went right at a stationary van =_= it was stationarily moving so fast, i didn't see it coming =_=
and i drove off.
looked back without seeing anything but those red words above. =_=
driving towards the car park, i listened for noise coming from the car.
*creak. creak. creak. creak.* oh nooooooo, that can't be good =_= coming from the front left, where i hit the van with =_=
when i accelerated..
so i got into the car park and parked head-in (cuz i didn't know how to reverse bay park -_-) and i was like shit shit shit shit shit *turn off engine* shit shit shit *step out* shitshitshit *close door* shitshitshit *walk around the back* shit shit shit *look at damage* SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
it looked bad. =_= obviously =_= so i fiddled here n there.. the bumper was dented bad. but i just popped it back out. offered a BIT of relief.. tot i could fit it back to the side panel thingy, but all the screws or whatever that was holding them together had popped out =_= and the highlight was GONE =_= the headlight was pointing down at an angle =_=
i didn't know how to pop the hood. lol. yea. i tried, but i didn't know there's that lever thingy under the hood. so i tot it was so damaged i couldn't open it =_=
went into college, to where jenn and everyone usually are. told them about it.. Aris said i could get it done in a day if i want to, depending on the damage.. he knows a mechanic nearby. so i was like 0_0 okayyyyy...
i let him drive there cuz i was still shaken =_= then i went in thru the left. *yank*
couldn't open the door either =_= so i went in thru the back.
so yea, went to the mech dude and asked for an analysis. while waiting for the stock price of the lights, Aris was ever more kinder to buy me drink "to chill." i bought the cheapest thing i first saw lol.
the verdict..
to replace both lights, the bumper and side panel thingy, it would cost 600+ =_= and this is talking about fake lights, worth almost 100 less than original =_= so of course i didn't do anything =_=
so.. the whole day i was kinda worried ("kinda" my ass.) about what my parents'll say how they'll kill me. and more or less totally freaked by the thing.
i mean, i hit a van.
fetched jenn home. [thanks for calming me down x) and wheeeee fetched you home officially xD]
got home, called my mom. told her about it. she sounded like.. you know when someone's angry and holds it inside? the kind that TOTALLY FREAKS YOU OUT CUZ YOU THINK SHE'S TOTALLY PISSED??!! and she said she's coming back right away =_=
then my dad came home, and i had to reverse into where the myvi's usually parked. cuz i was kinda parking in his space. went into the house to get the keys, kinda tried to go slow. actually i think i went kinda fast =_= panicky =_= i wanted to wait for him to park and walk into the house, THEN reverse. but i went in the car, started the engine, looked back.
my dad walked out of his car and just stood there watching =_=
sooooooooo i reversed. my view alternating between the back of the car and my dad's face.
reversed past him.
he looked at the front =_= walked over more to the left, in front of the wrecked part =_=
so i was like. DIE.
got down all freaked out. closed the car, locked the door. me dad
"so who smashed the car?" KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA =_=
"uh. i hit a parked van."
"a parked van."
"a stationary, parked van! i'm fine on the road!" tried to kinda sorta what sounded bewildered.
"well, that means you're still quite green on the road!"
neways. long story short. went in for dinner, my dad started talking about other stuff.. positive stuff =_= mom came back, looked PISSED. (my mom's sorta the silently pissed type.) brought it up. i explained everything. IS THIS THE PART WHERE I DIE?? *A*
they ate dinner.
showed my dad the extent of the damage. he said the light might be able to be fixed (the most expensive part damaged, cheaper if fixed rather than replaced), and the bumpers n stuff could be replaced.
as for the highlight, fortunately or not, we had one lying somewhere in the house.. just 1 or 2 months ago, someone driving a myvi crashed thru our gate and hit the volvo, losing a lot of the front. lol.
so yea, my parent's either weren't pissed in the end, or didn't show anything @_@ they want me to take it as an experience.. and are even letting me drive tomorrow @_@ zomg @_@
is the sky turning green, or is it just me? @_@
neways. really grateful for having such parents and friends ><>
also grateful to my good friends, particularly jenn, aris and shaun(for lightening the matter) for being there, helping me out and stuff x) also jian for telling me jenn went to class first. LOL. (so happened that jenn didn't bring her phone.)
oh, and i wonder what the van driver thought xD