Monday, July 13, 2009

sorry, here i am again. heh. screw me.

i have about 31 friend requests on facebook. the thing is,

who the heck are they? i don't mean to be rude, but these just scare me.

okay, well these aren't so bad, but the 2nd and 3rd ones definitely aren't thier real pictures. i mean, a hamster called jynne yanhui? (no offence. the hamster's cute. :D)

how do these people know me?? 

i'm just gonna leave those requests there till i find out who they are. lol.

note: if you're here reading this, i don't mean to be rude. please please please just tell me who you are and how i'm supposed to know you. and of course just tell me if you want to just add me and show off to your friends that 'ZOMG I HAVE BEN'S FACEBOOK HAHAHAH'

and i'm very awesomely (first word that came to mind) sorry if it's just that i seem to have forgotten you! it could be that either your face has changed or you don't have a picture of yourself i could refresh my memory with. i'm not very good with names unless i've heard them repeatedly, so i'm sorry!


at nick's party. coke, i was drinking coke!!

at college. we were walking and i tried to catch jenn unnoticed xD failed, obviously xp

happy people at nick's party :D more pics on facebook xp

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