Class T-shirt. Designs are by Neal Chin.. He penciled them on paper, and I put it in photoshop. Edited some stuff.. the chibi students were less mobile on his designs =P
Click for larger image. This is the front..
Click for larger image. ..and this is the back. He said he copied the dragon from somewhere.. is it Mortal Kombat?? 0.o
Click for larger image. This is what it'd look like on T-shirts =P Left is the front, right is the back.
Click for larger image. This is the girl on the front of the T-shirt =p The original picture's by celesse from deviant art.. I kinda traced over it and changed the clothes. Or costume or whatever. Oh and the hair =P
Click for larger image. Same goes with this dude. Changed his clothes, drew over his dog tail, incisor and ears. It was supposedly Sirius Black lol. By kinki-chichi or something like that. Just search chibi on "All-Time" and "Popular" on DA, and you should be able to pick out this chibi, it's on the first page. (I hope you understood that lol. Really don't think you would if you're not a deviant, sorry @_@) Notice the badges XP
Phew. 2 whole days for all that. Like.. Friday 3++pm to about 1 or 2++ am, and whole of Saturday beginning from 11am.. and the first 5 hours of Sunday lol. Of course there were meals and breaks in between.. including the food poisoning from monday, which still attacks me from time to time, especially on Saturday night =_= my dad's pissed that I used so much time on this lol. But relatively I think I did it quite quickly >< and I'm kinda proud of it.. Though almost none of it was my idea. Well actually.. some of it is. Either way, I drew all of it. Traced mostly, but still. Heh sorry, I'll cut the crap.
Almost everything is still adjustable.
Any recommendations? =P
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